Feeling Reality (General)

by dhw, Saturday, February 19, 2011, 17:18 (4835 days ago) @ BBella

BBella: I always appreciate your poetry...is there a place compiled online where more can be read besides here?
Oh...and you are' no fool, dhw.
So now somebody has said...-Thank you, BBella. It's encouraging to hear a kind word now and then!-I only write "occasional" verse, i.e. for family newsletters, birthdays, cricket club dinners, or a death of someone close, as happens all too frequently nowadays. Nothing with any meaning outside its immediate context. Just sometimes, though, in the course of our discussions, I feel that an idea cries out for this sort of lyrical form, and I go ahead. But it's only for nice folk like you, and so you won't find my poems anywhere else.

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