The Horrors of Evolution (Evolution)

by dhw, Friday, August 08, 2008, 11:14 (5759 days ago) @ David Turell

David: "Note that it is Darwin's description of God that creates the problem for him...But if one does not define those attributes of God [beneficent and omnipotent], or any attributes, the problem goes away." - I can only repeat that a God without attributes might just as well not be there. We are looking at two basic questions: a) are we the product of design? b) if we are, what is the nature of the designer? Carl says, and I agree with him: "the existence of so much suffering is an argument for an impersonal God at best". If God is impersonal (and therefore not beneficent), there will be no afterlife, no compensation for the suffering, no explanation. What we have now is all we'll ever have. And so if you do not believe in a God with attributes, not only does the problem of suffering go away, but ALL problems go away except for those of our daily lives. God's relevance to our condition is then no greater than that of a crossword puzzle.

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