Chapter 1 of \"Does it Matter?\": No such thing as AI (Humans)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 15:05 (4995 days ago) @ xeno6696

I know Balance_Maintained would object by saying we would need to construct a biological brain, but I don't see that as necessary for several reasons. 
> -IF nano-technology were acting as the biochemical properties of the brain, it MIGHT be possible, but I remain skeptical. Whether it would have the same capability as the human brain, I almost completely disagree. There are a couple of tests that could sort of validate it. One would be the spontaeous generation of thought using unrelated without a pre-generated algorithm to determine the parameters. More simply stated, spontaneous without a human providing the input or the method to disassemble, reassemble, interpret, and create a new idea that has no current frame of reference other than the random data. Call it imagination. The other would be a test to see if the machine was capable of emotional response, which is in its way independent of logical data analysis.

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