Human evolution: hominin bone & ,flint tools (Introduction)

by dhw, Saturday, August 15, 2020, 12:29 (1359 days ago) @ David Turell

QUOTES: “'Along with the careful butchery of the horse and the complex social interaction hinted at by the stone refitting patterns, it provides further evidence that early human population at Boxgrove were cognitively, social and culturally sophisticated,” she says in the statement.”

"In the statement, Pope says precise mapping of such a pristine site allows scholars “to get as close as we can to witnessing the minute-by-minute movement and behaviors of a single apparently tight-knit group of early humans: a community of people, young and old, working together in a co-operative and highly social way.'”

DAVID: Hominins were social and certainly formed groups as hunter-gatherers. Amazing archaeological discovery.

Thank you for what is indeed another amazing eye-opener. We are gradually learning that our very ancient ancestors were far more advanced than sapiens would like to believe. Already the image of Neanderthalers has undergone a revolution in recent times, and now it seems that the much older Heidelbergers can join the ranks of the cognitively, social and culturally sophisticated. With regard to another of our recent discussions, does anybody seriously believe that they were able to achieve all this without a language of their own?

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