Hurricane Michael (General)

by dhw, Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 10:55 (2041 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

Tony: I've been through flood, drought, fire, tornados, and hurricanes here. We will endure. Still no power, but it looks to be less than a week until it's restored. I live near Vernon, FL, about 50 miles north of Panama City Beach. We drove around the area today while I was out bidding on work . Compared to the surrounding area, we were so fortunate. We took minimal damage over all on the farm, but the devastation elsewhere is ......awe inspiring, to say the least.

Thank you again for keeping us informed. I love the positive spirit of “We will endure”, which epitomizes everything that I admire about our species. We won’t give up or give in. All the more admirable as you have seen the effects in reality. I’ve only seen the images on the screen, but my awe is overshadowed by my feelings of sadness, sympathy and helplessness, plus thankfulness that I live in a comparatively mild region. (Tempting fate, as I watch the trees in my garden waving madly in the wind, well within reach of my house.)

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