Greetings from an ally (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, May 25, 2008, 22:28 (5833 days ago) @ David Turell

David Turell has left it to me to decide whether the website should become a "book fair"! - I certainly don't want it to become a vehicle for self-advertisement, but we've already had a lot of useful references to websites and books for further research, and having recently read David's book myself, I have found it immensely helpful. You will need to bear in mind his postings as regards panentheism (not the same as pantheism, by the way), because the book often talks of God without a clear definition, but the breadth of knowledge and depth of insight ... particularly as regards the current state of scientific research ... make it a real eye-opener. I'm all in favour of "advertising" it, so may I suggest that David posts the details of his website, and then interested parties can make contact.

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