Watching asteroids; possible damage (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Monday, February 27, 2017, 15:39 (2636 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID’s comment: I'm glad we are on watch. Obviously God could not control this danger.

dhw: Obviously? This is an astonishing conclusion, and another example of “skewed” (your word) thought patterns. You believe that your God created the universe and everything in it, is always in tight control, but is incapable of controlling asteroids. And yet there have been several occasions when you have decided that he does control the environment, and even organized Chixculub. Either he can or he can’t control the environment, and that includes asteroids.

It was Gerald Schroeder who wondered whether God hurled Chicxulub. I've quoted him, and agreed there is no way of knowing. Why are you surprised at my conclusion about God's powers? He could have cleared out the steroids, but didn't. They are dangerous but perhaps necessary in the evolution of the solar system with its very special Earth.
Therefore, either God could not control them or felt He shouldn't interfere with the process of solar system evolution He started. However, I must be agnostic about His powers. He may well not be able to exert full control.

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