ID as a Cultural Phenomenon (Humans)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Monday, September 28, 2009, 17:04 (5346 days ago) @ David Turell

Though I don't reject the notion, the fiery Teuton in me dislikes the concept of a God whose power you cannot fear... and I couldn't fear such a creature. 
> With my background raised on the OT God, I know what a fearful God is like. I don't buy all that stuff in the OT. A UI is going to be reasonable, not fearful, but perhaps you are a fan of Wagner and the Valkyrie?-I love Nietzsche... of course a love of Wagner necessarily grew out of that. Though, I sincerely do not share the Wagner's anti-semitic tendencies. -This is probably sharing too much info, but the religions that inspire me most are actually the Pagan ones centered around both the Norse and Mesopotamian gods. (Greek & Egyptian fast on their heels.) This is because the world our ancients lived in was one where you really did "walk with the Gods." It was a more simple, much more primitive time; we could live more peaceably with our animal instincts. I said before that I wished I could believe, this is why. All things modern religion (Buddhism included) teaches us to subdue and subvert are things that actually make us who we are; greed, lust, envy, wrath... In small doses and directed properly they make great men from dust. They are to be venerated as the human and frail attributes they are and not suppressed for abstract purposes. In short, I find more worth in man to worship than a creator deity or Universal Intelligence gives us; however unsophisticated that makes me. You might gain Telos from those concepts, but they rob human religion of its meaning in the same breath. -I spent some time after high school trying to learn the ancient runic language, but I concluded early that I'll need to spend time in Scandinavia to find someone able and willing to teach me. -I'm quite familiar with Snorri Sturrlson's "Poetic Edda," and even scored some unexpected brownie points on a short paper I wrote that was analyzing Nietzsche's dwarf caricature with what was known about dwarves from the Edda. (Nietzsche was a friend of Wagner, so it didn't seem a stretch for me that it was THAT kind of dwarf he had in mind.) -And David, even though it seems like I "hold my nose" about design, I don't. I hate the politicization of it. You should too. Politicizing *any* type of religious movement is always dangerous, and complicates matters more than they necessarily need to. I shouldn't have to question the political motives of my authors.

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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