Convoluted human evolution: H. naledi branch (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, July 08, 2016, 12:49 (2848 days ago) @ David Turell

David's comment: All the species of Homo being found fits my theory that several varieties of a new type are produced to allow survivability (natural selection) pick out the winner/winners.-If that is your theory, I don't think many evolutionists would disagree. Several varieties of homo came into being, and natural selection picked out the winner. Evolution has resulted in millions of organisms and varieties, and the survivors were/are the winners. Darwin had a similar idea. But the theory you have proposed is that God personally directed the production of countless natural wonders and species, including various homos, although he actually set out to produce homo sapiens. Quite apart from the problem of his specially designing all the branches of the higgledy-piggledy bush for our sake, once again let me ask: if he knew that homo sapiens (his apparent purpose) would survive, he must have fixed it that way, so what do you think was the point of his organizing the competition? If he didn't know, he was not “in full control” (your theory, not mine).

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