Innovation; Just for dhw (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Thursday, December 24, 2015, 21:21 (3064 days ago) @ dhw

dhw:You agree that both offer a rational explanation of the higgledy-piggledy bush of animal evolution, as opposed to your following statement under ”The biochemistry of cell adhesion...”:
> David: “I have previously said I have no idea how/why God did this in the way He did. I firmly think He directed and managed the process and progress of evolution.”
> dhw: But you can find no flaw in the two theistic hypotheses I have offered. So maybe now we do have an idea how/why God did this in the way He did it.-You may propose, but you go much further than I do. I can honestly agree your theistic theories are possible, but I think not probable. I chose not to look for the reasons you come up with. We have no idea how God did what he did.-> DAVID: What other approach can we use? I don't trust religions' opinions.
> dhw: There are experiences that take us beyond the current reach of science and reason: psychic, emotional, aesthetic, mystic...These have not led me personally to God, but they are strong enough to have led others in that direction, and I do not have faith that eventually they will be explained by atheistic materialism.-Amen!

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