Brain complexity: what it gives us (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, October 19, 2015, 11:26 (3102 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: We don't see or hear reality directly, but what the brain gives us as it interprets reality from past and present patterns learned by the brain:-'s comment: As anyone who follows this website knows I take a directly pragmatic view of our secondhand position. It works.-I have to say it amazes me how often the experts manage to rediscover old news! We have discussed many times the intimately related, though broader epistemological problem that we have no way of knowing objective reality. In the context of perception, the nearest we can get is a general consensus. However, I agree with your view, and scientific experiments show that in many cases the patterns do appear to correspond to objective reality. If they didn't, technology wouldn't work.

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