Arguments against Design (General)

by dhw, Saturday, August 08, 2009, 11:04 (5411 days ago) @ BBella

BBella's concept of a possible Universal Intelligence is that it lies within everything, and is continually learning about itself. - Once again, thank you for your direct answers. I wonder if we could tie this concept in with the interesting discussion that David and Matt have been having about free will. (I'd also like to thank Matt for the brilliant Nietzsche quote, "In Conclusion"...4 August at 03.36). - If the UI is an outside force, I can quite see that we could have free will ... and this would link up with the concept of God using us for entertainment. (If I may digress briefly, I think this would be far less boring for God than just watching inorganic materials chucking themselves around.) However, if the UI is an inside force, which means that you and I are just parts of its conscious self, wouldn't that make our free will an illusion? - Incidentally, I like the expression "on pause". It's far more promising than my feeble "sitting on the fence"!

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