Biological complexity (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, July 26, 2015, 12:02 (3190 days ago) @ David Turell

GEORGE: Here's a review of two recent books:- Vital Question by Nick Lane on origin of life.
Life's Greatest Secret by Matthew Cobb on the history of DNA research.
Only wish I had the time to read them!-DAVID: Great reviews, and time is an issue, especially with all the new DNA research going on. Lane's ocean vent theory more than likely gives us the right place. Still no answer, how?-Thank you, George, and for a change I agree with you, David!-QUOTE: “Cellular life in the form of bacteria (prokaryotes and archea) emerged - somehow - once these mineral cells on the ocean floor had acquired the protein machinery to generate their own proton gradients, and lipid membranes that allowed them to peel away from their rocky home and become free living.”-It's the “somehow” that's the problem. And not just the ability to live, but also to reproduce, adapt and evolve. Yeah, otherwise he might possibly have cracked the vital secret!-Re time: 
“Come, fill the cup, and in the Fire of Spring 
The Winter Garment of Repentance fling.
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To fly - and Lo! The Bird is on the Wing.”-(Edward Fitzgerald, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam)

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