Genome complexity in embryology (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, April 27, 2015, 21:36 (3284 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: How did first cause energy “become intelligent”? You will say it just is. You might as well say cells just are. It's not an answer. Neither of us has an answer.
DAVID: I have accepted a logical answer for me. You just throw your hands up and give up. To me it is can incontrovertible fact that operating with intelligent information, requires supplied information. I don't see why you can't accept that and take the next step.-If I had given up, this website would not exist. There is no more logic to the answer that God's intelligence is “first cause” than there is to the answer that cellular intelligence evolved. We have discussed your use of “information” before: one is the information that comes from within, which I would call intelligence, and the other is the information that comes from outside, which is what intelligence processes. The next step is: where did the inside intelligence come from? Round we go. (See also “Evolution v Creationism”)-dhw: Now back to evolution. A 3.7-billion-year computer programme for every single innovation including the weaverbird's nest? God dabbling with the weaverbird etc.? God preprogramming or separately creating the whale in order to produce humans? Do you really find such hypotheses convincing?-DAVID: Again confusing the issue. I've admitted to accepting some type of evolutionary process to reach today's reality. I've admitted I don't know how it works, or why whales were produced. Living organisms are obviously wildly inventive, either by directed development or by innovation semi-independently developed. I only know that it requires conscious planning.-Either wildly inventive organisms are wildly inventive or they are automatons obeying your God's instructions. I don't see how a weaverbird can be responsible for half a nest. I agree about conscious planning, but find it unlikely that God planned the weaverbird's nest 3.7 billion years ago, even before the weaverbird existed. I appreciate all your admissions, but wish you would stop using euphemisms such as “guided” and “directed” to gloss over the fact that this entails preprogramming or direct dabbling. We English cowboys shoot from the hip - none of your fancy twiddles and twirls.

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