Dualism (Identity)

by dhw, Monday, March 23, 2015, 12:46 (3321 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

Dhw: Thought and information are nouns, survive is a verb. What does that prove? 
TONY: Pardon me, I was looking at thought as an action (past tense), a thought, once thought, is not longer a thought, but information. Thinking, the action producing said thought, is the verb which ceases upon death. Clear as mud?-You used Psalm 146 to support your claim that “God says: the dead are conscious of nothing.” The relevant words here are: “In that very day his thoughts [= noun, i.e. the product and not the action of thinking] perish”. I pointed out that according to you, our opinions, hopes, beliefs, memories etc. were stored away in a memory stick. For us to be ourselves again, the information it stores must include such thoughts. And so according to you, human thoughts do not perish. Exeunt two of your proofs, since Psalm 115 proved to be a wrong reference. -dhw: I notice you've skipped my reference to Jesus himself (and his promise to his neighbour on the cross) as a prime example of a dead man walking and talking.
TONY: That Christ promised his neighbor that he would be with him in paradise is a reference to the resurrection, not to walking talking dead. -According to Luke, Jesus says: “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” Not “Hey buddy, I'll see you in a few thousand years when I put your memory stick back in your skeleton!” And you've again skipped the example of Christ himself.-TONY: It is not a highly unlikely image if you consider the audience was not just Jews, but gentiles who believed in Hades (Greeks).-Ugh, why encourage these ignorant gentiles with a story that confirms their Satanic beliefs?
DHW: I don't know what pagan holidays and traditions have to do with NDE patients turning to the God you worship. Once more, please tell us what Satan would have gained from their new or reinforced love of your God.
TONY: Doing things for false gods is considered spiritual adultery. It got the Israelites in a whole heap of trouble repeatedly throughout their history. Pagan holidays are celebrations to pagan gods. Easter to the Goddess Ishtar. New Years to the Roman God Janus [etc....] The information regarding the pagan origins are pretty common knowledge, so they can't claim ignorance, and the admonition to only worship Jehovah is explicit in the bible, so they can't claim they didn't know it was wrong-Have you studied these NDEs? Or are you simply assuming that anyone who turns to God is automatically a pagan unless he accepts your interpretation of the Bible and your concept of how Jehovah is to be worshipped?
DHW: But my sweet Mrs X is serving God, worshiping him and nobody but him, and helping her neighbours [...] what wrong is she actually DOING that you think is so detestable to God?
TONY: Mrs. X's crime is knowingly choosing to practice things which are detestable to god. See the information on pagan holidays above. Failure to read and study the bible is not an excuse either. There are numerous admonitions throughout the bible regarding such things...-What detestable things is she practising? Again, you are assuming that this adorable lady, who worships the same God as you, is a wicked pagan just because she hopes to go to heaven when she dies. Even if she goes to church over Easter, thinking she's commemorating the death and return to life of Jesus (which in my view she understandably regards as evidence that the dead simply move to another plane of life), do you truly believe that Satan's got her, and God and Jesus find her worship detestable? Honestly, hand on heart?

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