Theoretical origin of life; Koonen's odds against (Introduction)

by dhw, Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 18:58 (3341 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: It is certainly confusing. ... But of course the confusion might be caused by the fact that we are specks of dust that arrived long after the birth of our planet, and for all our technical prowess we cannot observe any of the phenomena we theorize about (birth of the universe, infinity, eternity, origin of life). We are way, way, way out of our depth. But it's fun to speculate.-DAVID: There is speculation but also scientific advances that are spectacular. We can see echoes of the BB in the CMB. We have gotten an age for the BB. We see fine tuning, but don't know how life started. Yet philosophers like Adler offers proof of God from what has been observed. John Leslie offers a 50/50 statement, paraphrased, it is either God or multiverses, which also might have been provided by God). I don't think we are out of our depth with the information we have and which is still developing.-The spectacular scientific advances you have listed include not knowing how life originated, a philosopher's proof of God, and two unproven and unprovable theories about God and multiverses. Even the BB remains a theory, albeit one that most scientists seem to accept, and the age depends on the reliability of dating methods, which must always be open to question. If the BB took place, no-one knows what caused it, but some folk say nothing caused it, and our spectacular advances include the theory that 95% of the universe consists of dark matter and energy - called “dark” because no-one knows what it is - and quantum theory, which no-one understands anyway.
I am full of admiration for the human spirit that is constantly searching for answers, and there is no doubt that science has advanced spectacularly in some fields. But according to your previous post, “God created all this to confuse us or keep us guessing”, which has to be an acknowledgement that we are confused and are guessing, and if your God knows his stuff, that's how we will have to remain. So are we out of our depth or aren't we?

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