Dawkins dissed again and again (Introduction)

by romansh ⌂ @, Saturday, April 26, 2014, 16:04 (3665 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained
edited by unknown, Saturday, April 26, 2014, 16:35

Considering that original sin amounts to not keeping the commands, we can only auume that is part of what was meant here.-From where I sit ... for the vast majority of Christians, God is the ultimate dualistic theological position.-Man is separate from from god. Jesus got crucified for claiming otherwise (at least in the myth). If anyone tries saying this today they are labelled an atheist.-Regarding original sin ... I think Christians have got the concept oh so wrong. When we read the relevant bits of Genesis 3 ... we find that in the mythical story of GoE ... Adam and Eve were thown out of Eden for disobeying God and startig to think in terms of good and evil. -Thinking dualistically was the original sin -Not the dressed up dogma we have today.

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