How God works (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Monday, January 14, 2013, 01:40 (4146 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> Tony: It is the destination, the final goal, that determines the design constraints, not the limitations of the designer. The design constraints for building a 10 story building in an earth quake zone are different than those for constructing the same building in a hurricane zone. Each building has to be able to withstand different stressors. I am saying that God has a purpose for creating all of this, even if we do not know what that purpose is yet. That purpose, the ultimate goal, will have been the deciding factor for the design constraints that govern everything else. In other words, it could not have been done any other way and still achieved the ultimate purpose, whatever that may be. (We can get more into that later if you want)-Thank you for this paragraph. I don't think dhw understands this. Design has to be appropriate for the goal. Teleology is always involved. This is why the atheists look at design in humans and laugh at some of the arrangements, but as research goes on into the mechanisms, it is found that it may look strange or inappropraite, but these odd arrangments turn out to be the best functional endpoint. Our backwards, upside down retina can pick up one photon! The crazy recurrent laryngeal may loop around an artery in the top of the chest, but there are branches that have functions in the chest. The list is really endless.

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