Evolution (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 14:11 (5582 days ago) @ George Jelliss
edited by unknown, Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 14:35

DT&apos;s quote is from &quot;Uncommon Descent&quot; which is &quot;Serving the Intelligent Design Community&quot; (and was originally set up by William Dembski). I think DT should be open about this:&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;> http://www.uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/darwins-big-mistake-gradualism/&#... - George knows I accept intelligent Design. I&apos;ve been open about it.His comment comes across as pejorative: the article expressed my views in an excellent way. George is correct about the source. I follow it. I have met and conversed with Dembski, Michael Behe, Jonathan Wells. They don&apos;t have horns. Behe, especially, and I agree that evolution occurred and appears to have been pre-planned. Many of us who think Intelligent Design is a reasonable conclusion, do not push Christianity as the Discovery Institute is said to do. - > << Authors such as Richard Dawkins argue that such constant-rate gradualism is not present in academic literature, serving only as a straw-man for punctuated equilibrium advocates. He refutes the idea that Charles Darwin himself was a constant-rate gradualist, as suggested by Stephen Jay Gould, for Darwin has explicitly stated that &quot;Many species, once formed, never undergo any further change...; and the periods, during which species have undergone modification, though long as measured by years, have probably been short in comparison with the periods during which they retain the same form.&quot; >> - This quote simply supports the &apos;accusation&apos; of saltation, as a distinct problem for Darwinism. Of course, many species are deadends. But with those that are not and one can see homologous advances in the fossil record, Darwin does not explain the huge jumps in complexity (Cambrian, Avalon, Ediacaran, etc.)&#13;&#10;The above quote just talks around it because they have no explanation.

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